GOD’S NOT DEAD (2014) – My rating: 10/10

GodsNotDeadGod’s Not Dead is an amazing movie on every level.  I had heard really good things about this movie.  After seeing it, I have a few good things to say myself.  I’ve seen a lot of Christian based movies but none like this one.  God’s not Dead is based on true events surrounding abusive tactics used on some college campuses.  A student, Josh Wheaton played by Shane Harper, is challenged in his philosophy class to prove that God is not dead or fail the course.  The class is being taught by a dogmatic and argumentative atheist professor played by Kevin Sorbo.  The student, Josh,  goes in depth, refuting every well know philosopher’s findings.  Josh is put down by his family and girlfriend and urged to sign a required paper, put to the class, that states God is Dead.  There are several stories being told that nicely comes together in the end.  Willie Robinson and his wife from Duck Dynasty had a small but significant part in the movie.   As a side note, David A.R. White played Reverend Dave who looks and reminds me so much of Keith Urban that I had a hard time focusing on him as a reverend.  You will definitely shed a tear or two, as God’s not Dead is packed with emotional stories from start to finish.  From the music to the acting, God’s Not Dead is very much alive and a winner in my book. 

6 responses to “GOD’S NOT DEAD (2014) – My rating: 10/10

  1. This was undoubtedly the best movie that I have ever seen. It brings out what is happening in our some of our colleges that leave students doubting the existence of God and believing in the revolution theory. We need more movies like this one.


    • I agree. There is another Christian movie starting today called “Heaven is for Real”. It’s a true story. It happened 10 years ago and the real child attended by church Sunday with his parents. He’s 14 now and his family has a ministry and the boy also ministers and sings. I think it’s going to be a good one as well. I plan to see it Easter Sunday with my grandchildren. I’ll post it soon thereafter. Hope you see it.


  2. Carol, thanks… probably I’ll wait for cable; but it did seem like one I’d like to see
    ~ Eric


    • “Heaven is for real” is coming out April 16th. I think it’s going to be good — at least the trailers look good and I like Greg Kinnear, who is starring in it. I’ll keep you posted. As always, thanks for visiting Carol’s World.


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