Tag Archives: intelligence

INTELLIGENCE – My rating 8/10

IntelligenceCBS has a winner in Intelligence.  This is a story about a  high-tech intelligence operative named Gabriel Vaughn (played by Josh Holloway, formerly of Lost) who has a rare generic make-up that accepted a super microchip placed in his brain without repercussions.  Instead of building an android, this chip sort of brings the android to the human. This means Gabriel can perform with the intelligence of an android but is still a human being.  From a physical perspective, he is not super human so he needs a sort of body guard, Riley Neal (played by Meghan Ory) to insure his safety.  Gabriel can access and alter almost any data base in existence, i.e., while listening to a criminal telling him that his name is John Doe and lives in Miami, Gabriel can use face recognition to scan John Doe’s face, get his real name and address fast enough to answer John Doe with the facts.  This can take place in less than 30 seconds.  He can also alter stop lights, locked doors, electrical parts on cars and much, much more.  Gabriel was a former decorated soldier who is now part of an elite government cyber-security agency who got into this because of his missing, presumed dead wife.  The series is pretty suspenseful, interesting and entertaining.

ALMOST HUMAN – My rating: 8/10

AlmostHumanWhile Almost Human isn’t a totally new concept, it’s different because the android is different.  It’s not a structured,  stiff facsimile of a human being that talks in a choppy pattern alerting you to the fact that this is a robot/android, not a human.  Instead this robot, who’s model was discarded, is more like a real live human being with all the intelligence  of a computer.  This series takes place in the year 2048 when crime is so out of control, police officers have to partner with an android to solve crimes as well as survive the criminal element.    Almost Human  revolves around  Detective John Kennex play by Carl Urban and Dorian (his android partner) played by Michael Ealy.  Their partnership closely resembles a regular pair of officers on the job and the everyday issues that confront them but with a twist.  I’ve been enjoying the series and find the stories interesting.  Given the technology used for this futuristic era, I think you’ll find Almost Human refreshing and well told.